ready, set, read.

The Read Seed, Inc is a 501c3 non-profit, charitable organization whose mission is to support kindergarten and elementary school readiness by increasing access to high-quality, age-appropriate literature and offering other literacy supports in Mower County, MN.

We know helping your child learn to read can feel overwhelming.

Good news is that we specialize in helping parents and caregivers get their hands on books and get to a place where they feel comfortable supporting their child’s early literacy development.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails a free book every month to eligible children from birth to age 5. Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write, Dolly started the Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county in East Tennessee. Today, the Imagination Library operates in participating communities across five countries.

Keep their growing minds engaged


Fill out your application online.
It’s easy, click here!

Our team will approve your registration.

You will begin receiving books to your home in approximately 2 months.

Email ASAP if your address changes to continue receiving books with little to no interruption.

Hi, I’m Noelle!


As a mom of three young children, I know the desire to see your child become a successful reader and lifelong learner. With my background as an early childhood educator, elementary school teacher and reading interventionist,

I am passionate about helping our littlest learners fall in love with reading.


  • If you provide an email address with your registration, you will be notified via email when the registration is approved or entered into our system. If you do not have an email address, you can expect your first book in 8 – 12 weeks.

  • Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails out books to almost 2 million children each month. They place their book orders a month in advance in order to reach all of who are enrolled. Depending on when you register your child, it may take up to 8-12 weeks for the first book to arrive. After that, the books will come every month.

  • Congratulations! You can sign your baby up as soon as they are born.

  • Each child within an age group receives the same monthly book. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library makes sure children receive an appropriate book by allocating them to an age group based on their year of birth. For example, children born in 2023 will receive board books with minimal text focusing on nurture and attachment, whereas a child born in 2018 will receive a softcover picture book, covering more complex concepts. A child enrolled from birth to their fifth birthday will build their own home library of up to 60 books.

  • When planning a move, please contact us at and provide us with your new address. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that the program will be available in your new neighborhood. We will do our best to help you continue receiving books if we are able.

    If you’d like to see if Imagination Library is available at your new address, you can check the status here:

  • Yes! We are a 501c3 non-profit organization so your contribution will be tax-deductible.

    You will receive a confirmation email with a receipt and tax information.